Projector Resolution and Aspect Ratio
by Dan Anderson on 08/01/12
Resolution and Aspect Ratio Review
Here is a guide for the newer resolutions for projectors and screens. It seems every year the manufacturers step it up another notch to higher quality graphics.
Some manufacturers are offering special projectors that made to fill a particular resolution. An example is Digital Projections, they provide a precision display for every venue is illustrated below in this streamlined guide to key resolutions and aspects ratios:
1280 x 720 (720p - 16 x 9 or 1.78:1): Great for High Definition Video applications. Particularly well suited for distance viewing such as in Houses of Worship or auditoriums. Projector Series: iVision, TITAN
1280 X 800 (WXGA – 16 x 10 or 1.6:1): Great for multiple computer users, plus well suited for distance viewing such as Houses of Worship or auditoriums. Projector Series: E-Vision They have a 7000 lumen projector starting at $5995
1400 x 1050 (SXGA+ - 4 x 3 or 1.33:1): Predominantly a computer resolution. Best suited for boardroom, conference room usage and anywhere presentations are made. Also excellent for edge-blending as the 4 x 3 aspect ratio maximizes image height. Projector Series: iVision, dVision, TITAN & LIGHTNING
1920 X 1080 (1080p - 16 x 9 or 1.78:1): The benchmark for full 1080 high definition displays. Standard resolution and aspect ratio for most applications. Projector Series: iVision dVision, M-Vision, HIGHlite, TITAN & LIGHTNING
1920 x 1200 (WUXGA - 16 x 10 or 1.6:1): Outstanding for applications where both computer and 1080p sources will be displayed, as well as video editing where extra pixels allow for viewing the operating system’s taskbar without blocking video. Projector Series: iVision, dVision, TITAN & LIGHTNING
2560 x 1600 (WQXGA - 16 x 10 or 1.6:1): New, ultra-high resolution for projectors. Extraordinary resolution for visualization, command & control and even elite home cinema Courtesy of Digital Projection International